Estimation of Crude Fibre in Feed Stuffs Calculator

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    Percentage of crude fibre = (Weight of silica crucible with contents before ashing * Weight of silica crucible with contents after ashing / Weight of sample

    Crude fiber is a term used to describe the fibrous food residue that is left over after it has been dissolved in the laboratory with certain harsh chemical solvents such as sulfuric acid and sodium hydroxide. Crude fiber is determined by laboratory analysis and is mainly composed of lignin, which is found in the tissues of plants and cellulose---basically a plant's skeleton. The residue left after successive extraction under closely specified conditions with petroleum ether, 1.25% sulphuric acid, and 1.25% sodium hydroxide, minus ash is termed as crude fibre.

    Crude fiber is a measure if the quantity of indigestible cellulose, pentosans, lignin, and other components of this type in present foods. These components have little food value but provide the bulk necessary for proper peristaltic action in the intestinal tract.

    Calculate the estimated percentage of crude fibre by the given details.
    Weight of silica crucible with contents before ashing = 25
    Weight of silica crucible with contents after ashing = 15
    Sample weight = 5

    Apply Formula:
    Percentage of crude fibre = (Weight of silica crucible with contents before ashing * Weight of silica crucible with contents after ashing / Weight of sample
    Percentage of crude fibre = 200

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