Metal Weight Calculator

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    Equivalent Weight of Metal A = (Equivalent Weight of Metal B * Weight of Metal A) / Equivalent Weight of Metal B

    A metal is an element, compound, or alloy that is a good conductor of both electricity and heat. Metals are usually malleable and shiny, that is they reflect most of incident light. In a metal, atoms readily lose electrons to form positive ions (cations).

    Those ions are surrounded by delocalized electrons, which are responsible for the conductivity. The solid thus produced is held by electrostatic interactions between the ions and the electron cloud, which are called metallic bonds. This calculator is helpful in knowing the equivalent weight of Metal, when weight of 2 metals is given (Metal A and Metal B).

    Metals are sometimes described as an arrangement of positive ions surrounded by a sea of delocalized electrons. Metals occupy the bulk of the periodic table, while non-metallic elements can only be found on its right-hand side.

    The Categories of metal are:

    • Base metal
    • Ferrous metal
    • Noble metal
    • Precious metal

    Calculate the Equivalent Weight of Metal A by the given details of metal A and B.
    Weight of Metal A = 250
    Equivalent Weight of Metal B = 225
    Weight of Metal B = 275

    Apply Formula:
    Equivalent Weight of Metal A = (Equivalent Weight of Metal B * Weight of Metal A) / Equivalent Weight of Metal B

    Equivalent Weight of Metal A = 204.54545454545453 

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