Molarity Calculator

Formula Molarity (M) = nv

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Molarity= [(% x d) / MW] x 10

%=Weight Percentage,
MW=Molecular Weight.

The molarity of a solution is the number of moles of solute per liter of solution. Molarity allows for easy dilution of a solution using the dilution formula where the initial concentration multiplied by the initial volume is equal to the final concentration multiplied by the final volume (M1V1=M2V2). Multiplying the molarity by the volume gives the total moles of the material, which can be diluted to any lower concentration.

Molarity refers to:
1) Number of moles of solute per litre of solution.
2) the number of moles of a solute dissolved in a liter of solvent. Note: be careful not to confuse molarity and molarity. Molarity is represented by a small "m," whereas molarity is represented by an upper case "M."
3) The number of moles of solute in q liter of solution.

Calculate the Molarity for the given details.
Weight percentage = 250
Density = 50
Molecular weight/Formula Weight = 25

Apply Formula:
Molarity= [(% x d) / MW] x 10

Molarity = 5000 

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