Sand Silica Calculator

To find the percentage of sand and silica, input the weight of insoluble ash and sample, and click calculate button using sand silica calculator

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Percentage of sand and silica = (weight of insoluble ash *100/weight of sample)

Silica Sand—the most common ingredient in glass. Whether the glass is container glass, window glass,
Boro-silicate glass, fiberglass or water glass (sodium silicate), silica sand makes up approximately 60-70
Percent of the glass batch and therefore has a significant affect on the glass quality.

A white or colorless crystalline compound, SiO2, occurring abundantly as quartz, sand, flint, agate, and many other minerals and used to manufacture a wide variety of materials, especially glass and concrete is called as sand silica.

Calculate the percentage of sand and silica in ashes for the given details.
Weight of insoluble ash = 25
Weight of sample = 15

Apply Formula:
Percentage of sand and silica = (weight of insoluble ash *100/weight of sample)

Percentage of sand and silica = 166.66666666 

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