Voltage Divider Calculator

The Voltage Divider refers to a device consisting of a resistor or series of resistors connected across a source of voltage and having one or more fixed or adjustable intermediate contacts where from any two terminals a desired reduced voltage may be obtained. A voltage / potential divider is a simple linear circuit that produces an output voltage (Vout) that is a fraction of its input voltage (Vin) mainly used in physics. Generally, Vout is used as a reference voltage. Voltage divider is also called as potential divider.


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Vout = [ Rb / (Ra+Rb) ] * Vin

Vin = Input Voltage
Vout = Output / Reference Voltage
Ra, Rb = Resistances

Voltage divider referenced to ground is created by connecting two electrical impedances in series. Voltage dividers are used for adjusting the level of a signal, for bias of active devices in amplifiers, and for measurement of voltages. A Wheatstone bridge and a multimeter both include voltage dividers. A potentiometer is used as a variable voltage divider in the volume control of a radio.

Calculate the voltage divider circuits for the given details.
Vin: 25 Volts
Ra: = 15 Ohms
Rb = 20 Ohms

Apply Formula:
Vout = [ Rb / (Ra+Rb) ] * Vin
Vout = [20/(15+20)]*25
Vout = [20/35]*25
Vout = 0.571*25
Vout = 14.2857 Volts

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