Octal To Decimal

Convert octal numbers to decimal numbers by entering the octal value in the octal to decimal calculator.

Error: UnKnown number

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Octal to decimal converter is an online tool that converts octal numbers into decimal numbers within seconds. This octal converter can also be used to convert 

  • Hex to octal
  • Binary to decimal
  • Hex to text

What are octal numbers?

Octal numbers are a number system like decimal numbers, hex numbers e.t.c. It has a subscript of two. The digits included in the Octal number system are 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.

What are decimal numbers?

The decimal number system is the number system that is used worldwide. It is the number system we use in accounting, banking, trade, education e.t.c. 

It has a base of 10. It contains 10 numbers which are 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9.

How to convert octal numbers to decimal numbers?

Octal numbers Can be easily converted into decimal numbers. Look at the example below to understand the conversion. 


Convert (557)8 into decimal numbers. 


Step 1: Write as follows.

5         5        7

82      81      80       

Step 2: Solve exponents.

5         5        7

64       8        1

Step 3: Multiply with corresponding numbers.

320      40       7

Step 4: Add these numbers to get the decimal number.

= 320 + 40 + 7

= (367)10

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