Csa of Cylinder Calculator

To find the volume, total surface area, & curved surface area of cylinder, enter radius (r) & height (h) and click calculate button

Volume = π r2 h

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Volume of Cylinder = πr²h
Curved Surface Area (CSA) of Cylinder = 2πrh
Total Surface Area (TSA) of Cylinder = 2πr (h + r)

r = radius, h = height,π = 3.14

A Cylinder is a three dimensional shape of which the two ends are circle and joined together by a single rectangular sheet. The ends are joined by a curved surface.

A Cylinder has a two circle ends and the third is the rectangle which is curved around to make the sides.
Cylinder Example:
Find the volume, curved surface and total surface area of a cylinder with the given radius 5 and height 10

Step 1: Find the volume.
Volume = πr²h = 3.14 * 5² * 10 = 3.14 * 25 * 10 = 314.00

Step 2: Find the curved surface area(CSA).
CSA = 2πrh = 2 * 3.14 * 5 * 10 = 785.00

Step 3: Find the total surface area (TSA).
TSA = 2πr (h + r) = 2 * 3.14 * 5(10 + 5) = 6.28 * 5(15) =6.28*75 = 471 

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