Circumference Calculator

To use circumference calculator, enter radius in cm and press the calculate button

Circumference formula

Circumference formula is evaluated by multiplying radius of the circle with 2 and π. The formula for circumference can be expressed as:

C = 2πr


C represents the circumference,

r is the radius of the circle, and

π refers to the value of 3.14159

The diameter and area of the circle can also be calculated using the below equations respectively:

D = 2r

A = πr2

In these equations:

r refers to the radius, D refers to the diameter, A represents the area, and π is equal to 3.14159

A circumference calculator is an online tool that is used to calculate the circumference of a circle. It only needs the radius of the circle to calculate the circumference of a circle. With circumference, it also calculates:

In this space, we will explain what is circumference, how to use the circumference calculator, the circumference of a circle formula, how to find the circumference of a circle, and much more. Don’t go anywhere and get ready for a deep dive into the area and circumference of a circle.

Why use a circumference calculator?

The circumference of a circle calculator lets you forget the complex circle equations and makes the circle circumference calculations much simpler. It saves all of your time that you would rather love to invest in something else.

Apart from calculating circumference, this tool acts as:

  • Circumference to diameter calculator
  • Diameter to circumference calculator
  • Radius to diameter calculator
  • Radius to area calculator

This basically means that the circle circumference calculator can also be used to convert circumference to diameter and vice versa.

How to use our circumference calculator?

Looking for a simple yet accurate calculator to get circumference?

Just take a look below to know how easy it is to find circumference of circle using this tool. To use this calculator, follow the steps below:

  • Enter the radius of circle in centimeter in the given input box.
  • Click the Calculate button to get the result.
  • You can hit the Reset button to calculate circumference with new values.

It will show you the circumference, diameter, and area of circle instantly. That’s convenient right? You didn’t have to juggle in figures and equations to get what you want. The same way, you can calculate the many other equations using our math calculators.

What is the circumference of a circle?

The circumference of a circle is the outer circle distance around it. It can be considered as the perimeter of different shapes like triangles and squares. You can understand it as the line defining the form of the circle.

This line is called the perimeter for shapes made of straight edges, but this defining line is known as the circumference of the circle.

The circumference of the circle can be seen in the below diagram.


Circle has two more parameters that are important:

Diameter d is the distance from one point of circle to another at widest point.

Radius r is the half of the diameter.

The circumference, diameter, and radius are the three aspects that define each circle. The circumference can be calculated based on the radius or diameter and pi.

Take a look at the below picture. It shows the diameter, radius, and circumference of a circle.


How to find circumference of a circle?

Circumference of the circle can be evaluated using circumference calculator or the listed formulas above. If you don’t want to go in detail, simply use the calculator to complete your assignments on time.

But, if you are interested in questions like “how do you find the circumference of circle,” then stay in this space because we are going to make your day right now.

To manually calculate the circumference of the circle, follow these steps one by one:

  • Get the radius of circle and write it down.
  • Write down the circumference formula.
  • Substitute the values in the formula.
  • Calculate the circumference.

Example 1:

Calculate the circumference of circle having radius of 12 cm.


Step 1: Get the radius of circle and write it down.

r = 12 cm

Step 2: Write down the circumference formula.

C = 2πr

Step 3: Substitute the values in the formula.

C = 2 × 3.14159 × 12

Step 4: Calculate the circumference.

C = 75.39 cm

So, the circumference of the circle with radius of 12 cm would be 75.39 cm approx.

Example 2:

If a cricket ground has a radius of 7000 cm, what will be the circumference of that cricket ground?


Step 1: Get the radius of circle and write it down.

r = 7000 cm

Step 2: Write down the circumference formula.

C = 2πr

Step 3: Substitute the values in the formula.

C = 2 × 3.14159 × 7000

Step 4: Calculate the circumference.

C = 43982.26 cm

So, the circumference of the cricket ground with radius of 7000 cm would be 43982.26 cm approximately.

What is the circumference of a 14 inch diameter?

  • Convert the diameter to radius by dividing it by

14/2 = 7

r = 7 inch

  • Now that we got the radius of the circle, substitute the radius in circumference formula.

C = 2πr = 2 × 3.14159 × 7

C = 43.98 inch

  • The circumference is in inches. We can convert inches into centimeters.


1 inch = 2.54 cm,

C = 43.98 inch = 43.98 × 2.54

C = 111.71 cm

What is the circumference of a 15 ft circle diameter?

  • Diameter is given in We have to convert feet into centimeter first.


1 foot = 30.48 cm, so,

d = 15 feet = 15 × 30.48 = 457.2 cm

  • Convert the diameter to radius by dividing it by

457.2/2 = 228.6

r = 228.6 cm

  • Now that we got the radius of the circle in centimeter, simply put the radius in circumference formula.

C = 2πr = 2 × 3.14159 × 228.6

C = 1436.33 cm

What is the circumference of earth?

Going big way? Yes, it is possible.

Circumference of earth can be calculated using the diameter of earth which is 12742 km.

  • Convert diameter of earth to radius by dividing it by

r = d/2 = 12742/2

r = 6371 km

  • Substitute the value in circumference formula.

C = 2πr = 2 × 3.14159 × 6371

C = 40030 km

Hooray! You have just calculated the circumference of earth. Could you imagine that a while ago? It’s super easy. You only have to grasp the basic understanding and then it is a just matter of few seconds.

How do you convert diameter to circumference?

You may have the diameter of a circle and you want to convert it to circumference directly. Well our circumference calculator is actually a diameter to circumference converter.

Here’s how you can convert diameter to circumference.

We know,

C = 2πr and D = 2r

Using D = 2r, we can get:

r = D/2

By place the above equation (r = D/2) in C = 2πr, we get:

C = 2π (D/2)

By simplifying the above equation, we get:

C = π D

The above shows the relationship between diameter and circumference. By using this equation, you can convert circumference to diameter and diameter to circumference as well.

Converting diameter to circumference

Suppose we have diameter of 12 cm. Let’s convert it to circumference using above equation.

C = π D

Place the diameter in above equation to get circumference.

C = 3.14159 × 12

C = 37.70 cm

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