Strain Calculator

Enter the values of length, change in length in the given tab, and hit the calculate button to find the value of strain using strain calculator.


Formula Strain(S) = Change in Length(Lc) Length(L)

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Strain Calculator

Strain calculator is an online mathematical tool that is used to determine the strain/total deformation of the shape due to its length by applying the external force on the shape.

What is strain?

Strain is the total deformation in the length of the solid object due to the force applied on the object by any means. More simply say that “it is the ratio of the total change in length due to the external force and the original length of the body.”

Strain formula

Strain due to change in length is particularly known as the tensile strain. The mathematical formula of the strain can be stated as,

S = Strain =  Lc / L


  • Lc = Shows the total Change in Length,
  • L = original length of the given object.

strain length

How to evaluate the strain of a solid object?

Example 1

The length of the rod increases up to “2.5 m” after applying the force while its original length is “5m” then find the total strain on the rod.


Step 1: Write the values of the length and change in length after applying force.

Lc = 2.5 m,         L = 5 m,               S =?,

Step 2: Put the value of the numerator and denominator in the strain formula.

Lc = 2.5,              L = 5

S =  Lc / L

    = 2.5 / 5

S = 0.5 

Example 2

The length of the metal rod changes up to “15 m” after applying the force while its original length is “25 m” then determine the total strain produced on the rod.


Step 1: Write the values of the length and change in length after applying force.

Lc = 15 m,          L = 25 m,            S =?,

Step 2: Put the value of the numerator and denominator in the strain formula.

Lc = 15, L = 25

 S =  Lc / L

    = 15 / 25

 S = 0.6


  1. Definition of Strain | Mechanics of materials: Boston University

  2. what is Tensile strain | Corrosionpedia
  3. Meaning of change in Length.
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