Euler Number Calculator

Select the term you want to calculate, fill the required input boxes and click calculate button using Euler number calculator 


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This advanced online Euler Number Calculator is used to calculate and fins the Euler Number, Pressure Change, Density and Characteristic Velocity.

What is Euler number?

Euler Number refers to the dimensional number used in calculation of fluid flow. The Euler Number expresses the relationship between local pressure drop and kinetic energy per volume.

The Euler Number is used to characterize losses in the flow between a local pressure and the kinetic energy per volume where a perfect frictionless flow corresponds to an Euler Number of 1.


Euler Number :
Eu = Δp/ ρV2

Pressure Change :
Δp= EuρV2

Density :
ρ = Δp/ EuV2

Characteristic Velocity :
V =√ Δp/ Euρ

Eu = Euler Number,
Δp = Pressure Change,
ρ = Density,
V = Characteristic Velocity.

How to calculate Euler number?


Calculate the Euler Number for the given details.

Pressure Change (Δp) = 25 P

Density (ρ) = 15 kg/m3

Characteristic Velocity (V) = 5 m/s


Apply Formula:

Eu = Δp/ρV2

Euler Number (Eu) = 0.07


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