Rectangular Weir Flow Rate Calculator

Rectangular Weir Flow rate is used to measure the flow rates in open channel of river like rivers and canals. The Rectangular Weir Flow Rate calculator is used to measure the water flow rate. The flow rate over a weir is a function of the head on the weir.


q = ²³ × Cd × b × (2g)¹/² × h³/²

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    The Bernoulli's equation is as follows
    q = 2/3 ×Cd ×b ×(2g)1/2 ×h3/2

    q = Flow Rate
    Cd = Discharge Constant
    b = Width of the Weir
    g = gravity (9.81 m/s2)
    h = Head on the Weir

    This online advanced Rectangular Weir Flow Rate Calculator is used to measure the water flow rate in the rivers and canals.

    Calculate the Rectangular Weir Flow Rate for the given details.
    Head on the Weir (h) = 25 m
    Width of the Weir (b) = 20 m
    Discharge Constant (Cd) = 15

    Apply Formula:
    q = 2/3 ×Cd ×b × (2g)1/2 ×h3/2
    q = 2/3*15*20*(2*9.81 m/s2)1/2*253/2
    Flow Rate =110736.17295175052 m3/s


    • How to use rectangular weir to measure flow rate? Bright Hub Engineering
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