Vector Addition Calculator

To use Vector Addition Calculator, enter the values of vectors A & B, and press the calculate button 

Vector addition Formula

(Ai → + Aj → + Ak) + (Bi → + Bj → + Bk)
 i +
 j +
 i +
 j +

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Vector Addition Calculator 

For adding two vectors, enter the coordinates of 3d vectors in the vector addition calculator.

The Vector addition calculator is an advanced online tool that eases the process of adding two vectors occurring in 3 dimensions. It can be reset unlimited times.

What are vectors?

Vectors can be defined as:

“A quantity which is defined by magnitude as well as direction.”

They are usually represented with bold letters or an arrow on the top. Force, momentum, velocity, and acceleration are some examples of vectors.

How to add two vectors?

  • For vectors in 2 dimensions.


Coordinates of two vectors A and B are (2,4) and (6,2) respectively. Add these vectors.


Step 1: Write unit vectors.

A = 2i    4j

B = 6i    2 j 

Step 2: Add the corresponding vectors.

A       =     2i      4j

+ B    =     6i       2 j 


A + B =  8i    6 j 

  • For vectors in three dimensions.


Coordinates of two vectors A and B are (1,5,7) and (2,4,6) respectively. Add these vectors.


Step 1: Write unit vectors.

A = 1i    5j   7k

B = 2i   4 j     6k

Step 2: Add the corresponding vectors.

A     =  1i    5j      7k

+ B  =  2i    4 j     6k


A + B = 3i    9 j    13k

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