Discount Calculator

To use discount calcualtor, enter the original price & percentage and hit calculate button

Discount formula

The formula for discount rate is a simple equation that can be expressed as:

Discounted price = Original price - (Original price × discount / 100)

The discounted price can be calculated using original price and discount rate. As you can see in the above equation, it only involves the discount percentage and original price of the product.

You can use our percentage calculator to calculate the percentage of original price.

Discount calculator is an online discount rate calculator used to calculate discount and total sum of amount you have to pay after discount. It helps you calculate discount rate when you are shopping, making a business deal, working as a salesman, or solving math problems.

In this content, we will discuss how to use our discount rate calculator, how to find discount rate, formula for discount, and much more. Keep enjoying this space to get more information about discount calculations.

How to use discount calculator?

The percent discount calculator is an awesome online utility that lets you calculate the discount price of the product you are buying. You can use it on your mobile while shopping. To use discount percentage calculator, follow the steps below:

  • Enter the original price of the product in the given input box.
  • Enter the percentage rate in the next input box.
  • Hit the Calculate button to get your discounted figures.
  • Use a Reset button to enter new values for the next calculation.

The percentage discount calculator not only calculates the saving but it also calculates the remaining amount after the discount. It is an easy to use calculator and anybody can use it whenever they want. That too, without any restrictions.

How to calculate discount rate?

Wondering how to calculate percentage discount? Here, we will discuss the complete process of how to calculate discount using a rate of discount. We will also cover the coupon code discount in this guide.

Follow the below steps to get the discounted price after applying a discount rate:

  • Get the original price of the item and write it down.
  • Get the discount rate and write it down.
  • Write down the discount rate formula.
  • Substitute the values in the equation and solve for the discounted price.

You can use our original price calculator above to get all this done in no time.

Let’s use an example to demonstrate the method.


What will be the discounted price of a wooden table if its original price is $499 and discount rate is 5%?


Step 1: Get the original price of the item and write it down.

Original price = $499

Step 2: Get the discount rate and write it down.

Discount rate = 5%

Step 3: Write down the discount rate formula.

Discounted price = Original price - (Original price × discount / 100)

Step 4: Substitute the values in the equation and solve for the discounted price.

Discounted price = $499 - ($499 × 5 / 100)

Discounted price = $499 – 24.95

Discounted price = $474

So, the discounted price after deducing the discount will be $474. Using a 5% discount rate on original price $499, the saving will be $24.95.

By following the same method, you can calculate the discount and discounted price using coupons.

How do I calculate a discount percentage?

To calculate the discount percentage:

  • Get the difference between original price and discounted price.
  • Divide the difference by the original price.
  • Now, multiply the number by 100.
  • The resulted number is the discount percentage.

Using this method, you can find out the percentage increase of decrease between two numbers.

How do you calculate a discount online?

To calculate discount online, follow these steps:

  • Visit an online discount calculator here.
  • Enter original price of item.
  • Enter the percentage of discount.
  • Click the Calculate
  • There you are. Your discount is right in front of you.

How do you take 20% off a price?

To take 20% off a price, follow these steps:

  • Get the original price.
  • Multiply it with 20 and divide the result by 100.
  • Subtract the resulted number from original price.
  • The number you got, is 20% off the original price.

Suppose the original price is 100. Multiplying it with 20 makes it 2000. Dividing it by 100 gets you 20. Subtracting 20 from the original price (100) will give you the discounted price which is 80.

How do you take 25 percent off a price?

Follow these steps to take 25% off a price:

  • Write down the original price.
  • Multiply it with 25 and then divide it by 100.
  • Subtract the resulted number from original price.
  • The number you got, is 20% off the original price.

Suppose the original price is 500. Multiplying 500 with 25 gives you 12500. Dividing it by 100 gets you 125. Subtracting 125 from 500 will provide you the discounted price which is 375.

How to find the original price?

To find the original price of an item:

  • Get the sale price and discount percentage of the item.
  • Subtract the discount percentage from 1.
  • Divide the sale price by the resulted number after subtraction in the previous step.
  • How’s that? The number you get is the original price of the item.
  • You can also use the following simple formula to get the original price.

OP = Price ÷ (1 - Discount)

Suppose the sale price is $850 and discount percentage is 2%. Subtract 2% from 1.

1 - 2/100 = 0.98

Divide the sale price with the above number.

850/0.98 = 867.35

$867.35 is the original price of the item which was bought for $850 at a discount rate to 2%.

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